

Campaign Onnea Oulu

Oulu was ranked among the sev­en best entries – the only Euro­pean city – in the intel­li­gent com­mu­ni­ties com­pe­ti­tion arranged by the Intel­li­gent Com­mu­ni­ty Forum. Työmaa’s job was to spread the word of that to the peo­ple of Oulu.

The cam­paign con­grat­u­lates Oulu as the most intel­li­gent com­mu­ni­ty in Europe and encour­ages the peo­ple of Oulu to be proud of the achieve­ment of their com­mu­ni­ty. Suc­cess in the com­pe­ti­tion, which empha­sizes intel­li­gence in every­day life and well-func­tion­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions infra­struc­ture, was pre­sent­ed with a sim­ple, col­or­ful look and effec­tive con­tent based on the com­pe­ti­tion nom­i­na­tion.

Con­grat­u­la­tions Oulu. Most intel­li­gent in Europe.

Congratulations Oulu. Most intelligent in Europe.

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