

Rap video as presentation video

Voca­tio­nal col­le­ge Luo­vi pro­vi­des especial­ly good educa­tion to young people and adults who requi­re sup­port in their stu­dies. The tar­get group for mar­ke­ting is the­re­fo­re chal­len­ging.

When Luo­vi nee­ded to make a new pre­sen­ta­tion video, Työ­maa sug­ges­ted a music video. The hiphop/rap/funk group Funk­sons from Oulu was cho­sen to pro­duce the cus­tom-made song and lyrics. The video was shot in dif­fe­rent Luo­vi pre­mi­ses in Nort­hern Fin­land. A huge graf­fi­ti was also pain­ted on the Luo­vi gym­na­sium wall during the shoo­ting ses­sions.

After publica­tion, the video was imme­dia­te­ly embraced by the Luo­vi staff and stu­dents – and most impor­tant­ly, young people.

  • video