The promise of a nutritionally better and delicious snack shines through! Makuvara’s new snack Maqu, like its appearance and message design, is based on strong consumer understanding.
Towards good taste
Maqu snacks were born when Makuvara Ltd wanted to offer customers a nutritionally better snack choice instead of sugar treats. The company started a thorough project to develop a snack that is compliant with Nordic nutritional recommendations, delicious as well as easy and quick for an active person to use. Real fruits, milk protein and soft fats in canola oil were selected as raw materials. The result contains protein, carbohydrates, fat and fibres as well as more than half of fruit in favourable proportions – but no added sugar or sweeteners.
Makuvara and Työmaa studied the snack market and consumer preferences in the main market in Finland and Sweden. The data steered planning towards the expectations of consumers who appreciate health consciousness, responsibility and especially good taste. Maqu was born.

A joint brand workshop followed the study phase and defined the main messages and target group more specifically. The Maqu brand needed to be positive, colourful and relaxed. After the framework defined in brand workshopping, Työmaa started work on the new product and designed
- brand elements
- communication spearheads
- tone and messages
- graphical appearance and logo
- product name
In spring 2022, Maqu conquered the shelves of Finnish shops and consumers, and no wonder: the brand image working hand in hand with the product philosophy is also a winner.
Side by side with colourfulness and joy, the basic appearance of Maqu is clear and simple: easy like the snack itself. The hand-drawn illustrations, fresh colours and relaxed layout of the appearance give the products a straightforward and familiar feel. Three alternative layouts were designed for the 150-gram packages and their reception was studied with both Finnish and Swedish target audiences. There were also three name suggestion for the product. The names of the three flavour variations, Merryberry, Kiwigreen and Mangobee, communicate cheerfulness also internationally.
More Maqu
The Maqu product family will expand in near future with new products and their layout is already taking shape on drawing boards at Työmaa.
Do you need a specialist for consumer product marketing and package design? Contact Jori!
Jori Nissinen, asiakkuusjohtaja
p. 040 557 4006