
The city of Oulu

Brand / Campaign / Content Design / Digital service design / Video / Visual Identity

Oulu with its 200,000+ pop­u­la­tion need­ed a city brand that is based on the true strengths of the region and recog­nised by the cit­i­zens. The brand has been cre­at­ed togeth­er with Oulu peo­ple, hon­our­ing good and old things, but giv­ing the whole brand a com­plete facelift that serves the diverse needs of the 2026 Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture year.

Feel­ing more like Oulu

Oulu city region has stretched dur­ing the last ten years. New areas, diver­si­fied cul­ture and a teem­ing busi­ness sec­tor require a city brand updat­ed to the 2020s – one that feels nat­ur­al to Oulu peo­ple.

The goal was a con­sis­tent Oulu image and mes­sages that the cit­i­zens and com­pa­nies in the region can iden­ti­fy with: a recog­nis­able brand found­ed on the true strengths of a north­ern cul­tur­al city.

”We want the brand to reflect the devel­op­ing, chang­ing and diverse Oulu, and the Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture 2026 sta­tus is a splen­did exam­ple of this.”

Help from 200,000 cit­i­zens

Oulu is a famous tech­nol­o­gy city and has attract­ed atten­tion already for a long time. This fame made Oulu seem more monot­o­nous than the home city that real Oulu peo­ple recog­nise.

The brand relies on sin­cer­i­ty and had to be con­struct­ed togeth­er with Oulu peo­ple, and the plan­ning also need­ed to acknowl­edge the inter­nal require­ments of the city organ­i­sa­tion exten­sive­ly. Work­ing togeth­er for a com­mon goal and a renew­al achieved through gen­uine coop­er­a­tion became the dri­ving force in the process.

The inclu­sion process involved two exten­sive enquiries to inhab­i­tants and encoun­ters with Oulu peo­ple. The two-phase joint devel­op­ment project sum­marised north­ern­ness, human­i­ty and intel­li­gence as the three core facts of Oulu, and they were the basis for out­lin­ing a sharp­er idea of the brand called Oulu.

”The Oulu brand didn’t appear from thin air but from true strengths of the city and all its cit­i­zens. Oulu brand has been craft­ed togeth­er with Oulu peo­ple – enquiries, inter­views and polls were refined into a col­lec­tive under­stand­ing of the essence of the new Oulu brand.”

High­er grade of Oulu brand

We gave Oulu a brand iden­ti­ty that doesn’t rely on the past but high­lights cur­rent assets that will sup­port and tru­ly dis­tin­guish the city also in the future. The city recog­nis­es its assets and requires no dra­mat­ic changes, so the dri­ver behind the brand renew­al was the char­ac­ter of Oulu.

The iden­ti­ty, stem­ming from north­ern nature and char­ac­ter, human ener­gy, and world-class exper­tise, con­densed into a brand promise that is intend­ed to be a con­ve­nient and guid­ing tool in all actions and deci­sions in the city.

The promise comes to life in the High­er grade… mind­set, which is adap­tive, scal­able and alive. The High­er grade… mind­set is sym­bol­ised by the visu­al grade char­ac­ter, serv­ing as the sig­na­ture to the promise.

“The Grade high­er… mind­set of Oulu means that the promise is alive and adapts to the theme, empha­sis and appli­ca­tion.”

how it was achieved?

1. We assem­bled a max­i­mal­ly wide group of peo­ple from dif­fer­ent fields in the Oulu city organ­i­sa­tion and defined the start­ing points and pur­pose for the change.

2. We start­ed a joint devel­op­ment project with all Oulu cit­i­zens and asked them what Oulu is like.

3. We analysed the results of the enquiry and draft­ed dis­tinc­tive Oulu char­ac­ter­is­tics togeth­er with the steer­ing group.

4. The hypothe­ses were pre­sent­ed to Oulu cit­i­zens in a nar­ra­tive and illus­trat­ed form and sub­mit­ted to crit­i­cal scruti­ny.

5. The core of the Oulu brand and the brand promise were for­mu­lat­ed from the under­stand­ing acquired in the joint devel­op­ment project.

6. To con­cre­tise the brand mind­set, a refreshed and rat­tled per­sona or look and expres­sion was designed for Oulu.

Some­thing new, old, pink and bor­rowed

The new Oulu brand iden­ti­ty boils down to north­ern­ness, human­i­ty and intel­li­gence. The brand promise, look as well as lead­ing mes­sages and tone of voice build up an image of a city that is a grade more Oulu.

To sup­port the brand image, a ded­i­cat­ed typog­ra­phy, Oulun Graa­di font, and an audio brand have been cre­at­ed for Oulu togeth­er with coop­er­a­tion part­ners.

View the Oulu brand book here.

Työmaa’s respon­si­bil­i­ties