
Arc­tic Blue Gin

Brand / Visual Identity

The world-famous Arc­tic Blue Gin from Fin­land trusts the cre­ative pow­er of Työ­maa. The part­ner­ship cre­at­ed the look, tone of voice, cre­ative solu­tions and pack­ag­ing design that won gold at the IWSC Inter­na­tion­al Wine & Spir­it Com­pe­ti­tion in Lon­don.

Award-win­ning Design

For this Arc­tic bil­ber­ry gin from Ilo­mantsi, Fin­land, we want­ed to cre­ate a bot­tle so ele­gant and beau­ti­ful that one must have it as a dec­o­ra­tive object. The sto­ry on the bot­tle label cap­tures the intrigu­ing soul of the prod­uct. The shape exudes the same poise as the world-recog­nised Finnish design clas­sics. There­fore, on the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket, the pack­age oper­ates as the fresh­est ambas­sador of the Finnish flair for design.

Spir­its Art­work and Bot­tle Design Gold Out­stand­ing 2018

The pack­age design of Arc­tic Blue Gin won gold in the Inter­na­tion­al Wine & Spir­it Com­pe­ti­tion 2018 in Lon­don. The pack­ag­ing designed by Työ­maa scored the high­est pos­si­ble Gold Out­stand­ing award – which is bet­ter than “just” gold. This means that the design out­stand­ing­ly gets over 93 points out of the pos­si­ble hun­dred from the judges.

A Wor­thy Tone and Design for the Pre­mi­um Gin

Arc­tic Blue Gin cap­tures the fleet­ing moment of fresh morn­ing dew in the pris­tine forests of Fin­land. Työ­maa cre­at­ed a clean and fresh Nordic look for this pre­mi­um arti­san gin of gas­tron­o­my enthu­si­asts’ – a look that exudes the har­mo­ny of Finland’s excep­tion­al­ly pure nature. The cor­ner­stones of the brand are styl­ish­ly exe­cut­ed mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als, a gen­uine and thought­ful­ly designed tone of voice, and high­est pos­si­ble qual­i­ty in all doing. This gen­er­at­ed the con­cept ”Taste Design from Fin­land”.

In the inter­na­tion­al World Spir­its Award 2018 com­pe­ti­tion Arc­tic Blue Gin won the Dou­ble-Gold award and was cho­sen as the Spir­it of the Year 2018.

Greet­ings from Suo­mi, Gin­land!

The slo­gan is Expe­ri­ence the har­mo­ny of Arc­tic nature – and this is what Arc­tic Blue Gin offers. Insta­gram strat­e­gy is built on breath­tak­ing pho­tographs tak­en by a des­ig­nat­ed nature pho­tog­ra­ph­er. With these pho­tos any­one can trav­el to our unique nature and breathe the har­mo­ny from all over the world.

It’s not only about the look – it’s also about the feel

The pre­mi­u­mi­ty of the brand needs to be tan­gi­ble as well. The unique­ness of Arc­tic Blue Gin is empha­sized in paper, coat­ing and such­like mate­r­i­al choic­es. Wood and oth­er sur­face tex­tures with a nat­ur­al feel – and even scent – turn Arc­tic Blue Gin’s POS mate­ri­als into a com­pelling sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence.

It’s in our nature

Sus­tain­able and inno­v­a­tive pack­ag­ing mate­r­i­al solu­tions build the brand image to the want­ed direc­tion. Arc­tic Blue Gin is a spokesper­son for the unique Arc­tic envi­ron­ment; A gen­uine­ly nature-respect­ing fore­run­ner brand that fights the cli­mate change and wants to pre­serve the pure Arc­tic nature for the future gen­er­a­tions to come.

From Työ­maa to Fin­land and the World: