
Pas­ka kau­pun­ni

Brand Campaign / Content Design / UI

The popu­la­tion of Oulu reac­hed the land­mark of 200,000 people in 2016. To celebra­te it, the City of Oulu deci­ded to upda­te Finns’ know­led­ge and ima­ge about Oulu with an inno­va­ti­ve ima­ge cam­paign. The cam­paign spo­ke both to the people and the media in a way that aroused emo­tions and action.


Oulu is the fas­test growing city of Scan­di­na­via and the fifth lar­gest city of Fin­land, and its popu­la­tion reac­hed 200,000 people in 2016. The growth had been so rapid, that Finns’ know­led­ge about today’s Oulu was hope­less­ly out­da­ted. In the sur­vey, not even a single one out of the hundred Finns inter­viewed knew that Oulu had a popu­la­tion of over 100,000 people.

Also the repu­ta­tion of Oulu nee­ded a boost. The ove­rall ima­ge of Oulu was labe­led by a fal­se idea about “a small post-Nokia cri­sis city”. The exit of Nokia and Mic­ro­soft did cause a cri­sis to the city, but it is in the past. The­re is alrea­dy a need for a high-level pro­ficiency. Also new busi­nes­ses and posi­tions are emer­ging in great volu­me.

The City of Oulu reques­ted to upda­te the city ima­ge with a few prompt mes­sa­ges


Oulu is a big city with a popu­la­tion over 200,000 people.


Oulu is com­for­table, deve­lo­ping and smart city.


Oulu is a city of great oppor­tu­ni­ties for resi­dents and busi­nes­ses.

Crea­ti­ve solu­tion

Since Oulu is, as the stra­te­gy says, smart, bra­ve and fair, we deci­ded to tell about Oulu’s strengths in a crea­ti­ve and cou­ra­geous way that tru­ly ins­pi­red the Finns – especial­ly the people in Hel­sin­ki met­ro­po­li­tan area.

In the cam­paign, Oulu cap­tu­red a cent­ral piece of Hel­sin­ki – 33 displays at the met­ro sta­tion of the Cent­ral Railway Sta­tion.

In the cam­paign mes­sa­ge Oulu wis­hed peace and qui­et for Hel­sin­ki and dona­ted an ad-free met­ro sta­tion for a week. The domi­nance was 100 %.

We also wan­ted to acti­va­te Finns to com­mu­nica­te about Oulu. They could choo­se their favou­ri­tes from the 60 Oulu-rela­ted pho­to­graphs at the cam­paign site and tho­se were relea­sed at the station’s huge ad board. The Fin­nish Oulu-based sin­ger Suvi Teräs­nis­ka launc­hed the cam­paign on Face­book by being the spo­kes­per­son in the cam­paign video.


A smart core mes­sa­ge, a strict seg­men­ta­tion for the met­ro­po­li­tan area and an efficient sche­du­le were emp­ha­sized in the cam­paign stra­te­gy.

The prio­ri­ty was a mes­sa­ge about com­for­table and acces­sible Oulu. The well-known fact that Oulu has a great know-how in ICT, was knowingly left out of mar­ke­ting and PR. We focused on the att­rac­ti­ve, urban Oulu, that is also clo­se to the natu­re.

The campaign’s core and mes­sa­ges:

The pri­ma­ry tar­get group was the people living and wor­king in Hel­sin­ki met­ro­po­li­tan area. Other tar­get groups were: the policy­ma­kers influencing Oulu’s deve­lop­ment living in met­ro­po­li­tan area, media, Finns in gene­ral and the people of Oulu.

The cam­paign was launc­hed just befo­re Christ­mas Eve. The cam­paign was desig­ned to be most acti­ve during the holi­days – the time when the use of social media and digi­tal media inc­rea­ses sig­ni­ficant­ly as print magazi­nes are not publis­hed.

The cen­ter of the cam­paign was the web­si­te helsinki.oulu.com which ser­ved all of the tar­get groups.


The Concept of the Com­mu­nica­tions Stra­te­gy


Helsinki.oulu.com Web­si­te

The lan­ding page int­ro­duced the cam­paign idea, encou­ra­ged to explo­re the pho­tos of Oulu, vote for their favou­ri­tes, and tell about the pho­tos and the cam­paign to friends.

The site also int­ro­duced eight excel­lent tri­vias about Oulu.

The­re was also a lot­te­ry for a two people luxu­ry trip to Oulu.


The main medium of mar­ke­ting com­mu­nica­tions was the Face­book page of the City of Oulu. It was bols­te­red by Suvi Teräsniska’s Face­book page which had 127,000 likes.

The cam­paign launch was boos­ted by a video on Face­book. In the video Suvi Teräs­nis­ka invi­tes viewers to switch ads for pho­tos and choo­se their favou­ri­tes on the site helsinki.oulu.com. The video was sha­red on Suvi Teräsniska’s and the City of Oulu’s Face­book pages.

Check the video here

HS Tablet

During the holi­days the who­le screen noti­fica­tion of Oulu in HS Tablet invi­ted people of Hel­sin­ki to helsinki.oulu.com to choo­se their favou­ri­tes from the pho­to­graphs.


The punch­li­ne of the media com­mu­nica­tions was the head­li­ne: “The 200,000 people of Oulu is being celebra­ted in Hel­sin­ki, ads of the sta­tion will chan­ge to pho­tos”.

We approac­hed media with two press relea­ses – the first at the cam­paign start and the second with results when the cam­paign shif­ted to the met­ro sta­tion of the Cent­ral Railway Sta­tion. Also, we approac­hed media with news tips in week 2 befo­re the pho­tos were relea­sed at the sta­tion.


cam­paign time (22. Dec. 2016–21. Jan. 2017)


  • The pho­tos were voted for 106,171 times
  • 57,674 page views


Four posts on the page of the City of Oulu:

  • Cove­ra­ge 336,355 people
  • Orga­nic cove­ra­ge 143,215 people
  • 211 sha­res


  • HS
  • Kale­va
  • YLE (the Fin­nish Broadcas­ting Com­pa­ny)
  • MTV3 Huo­men­ta Suo­mi


HS tablet

  • 6,137 clicks
  • 6,4 days

Col­la­bo­ra­tion, video pro­duc­tion